Proper alignment begins at the feet, so to get yourself moving and feeling better, we recommend starting there.

Our coach has been wearing Xero shoes since 2016, and he has no intention of stopping any time soon! As barefoot/minimals shoes increase in popularity, they are becoming better looking and more versatile — and Xero Shoes is A trailblazer of this evolution.

With loads of styles to choose from — sandals, boots, casual wear, running, fitness, hiking, business casual — there’s something for every occasion. But no matter which model you choose, there are a few things that are always consistent

  • Wide Toe Box — So your toes can spread and help you balance like they’re supposed to.

  • Flexible Sole — So that your feet and ankles have freedom of movement, and so that you can actually sense the ground under you.

  • Zero Drop Heel — So your foot doesn’t get stuck in a pointed position, which happens even in the most innocent-looking of conventional footwear!

Plus, their 5,000 mile sole warranty makes it pretty obvious that they’re doing something right. But if you still have questions, feel free to drop us a line using the contact box below.

Our #1 recommended shoe for natural comfort & natural movement.

Contact us.
(978) 335-9770